Monday, May 31, 2010

Fall-themed page: "you are..."

Title: you are...

Inspired by Page Maps: January 2010

A quick one I did tonight. I think I'm getting burned out from scrapping, and my friend just confessed that she is holding my muse hostage;) So what's a girl to do? Page Maps to the rescue :) I love this design so much I think I might make 10 more like this :D
The page is about my son Omar. He is just my 'mini me'--both the (+) and the (-) qualities. At times when he irritates me, I just say: "Grrrr!, but wait! I'm the same way :D We just understand each other.
Not to ignore my other son, I'm planning on doing the same style of journaling for him too (i.e. listing his personality traits).

Thanks for your comments, they really inspire me!
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Supply List:

  • Cardstock and pin: EK Success
  • Patterned Paper: Making Memories (text), My Mind's Eye (green), Basic Grey (foliage).
  • Chipboard diecuts: Basic Grey (floral and alphabet), Me & My BIG Ideas (bird).
  • Border sticker: Creative Imaginations
  • Trim: Wrights
  • Brads: American Crafts
  • Font: Papyrus
  • Other: Clothing tag


  1. Translation for lithuanian readers:
    Greitukas skrebukas sumestas šį vakarą. Kadangi Aiva pasikvietė į svečius mano mūzą, nelabai yra įkvėpimo darbuotis, o galbūt pervargau (?)
    Taigi, skrebukas sumestas pagal Sausio 2010 Page Maps schemą dizainas l.l patiko, ir numatau kad ne paskutinį kartą ja pasinaudosiu.
    Skrebunau apie vyriausio sūnelio asmenybę, t.y. jo (+) ir (-).
    Dažnai taip būna kad jis mane sunervina bet įkyru todėl, kadangi suvokiu kad tas pačias (-) savybes ir aš pati turiu...Jis yra mano "mini me", mano kopija.
    Jauniausiam sūneliui irgi padarysiu tokios temos skrebuką.
    Ačiū kad apsilankėte ;)

  2. Oh wow,this picture is so perfect!!!Love it all!

  3. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! This is GORGEOUS!!! Loveeeeeeeeeeee those flowers and that photo! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  4. Wauw. So beautiful. Love your colourcombo.

  5. Love the way you made the original swirl longer and finished it in a bunch of daisies!

  6. Pas tave visi nuostabūs skrebukai. Labai nuostabus ir šis skrebukas. Žiūriu-tyrinėju ir mokausi.


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