Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Random Inspiration Challenge #8: The power of Number 8

For those of you that don't know this insignificant piece of trivia about me, 8 is my lucky number. And since this is Challenge #8, what way to better celebrate this number than by actually creating a scrapbooking challenge around it.....

Your mission is to use number 8 on your layout or other scrappy creation

  • It can be the theme of your page (for example: "8 things about me," "My Top 8 Favorite list", your child's or your 8th birthday, 8th month of pregnancy, or if your birthday falls on the 8th month, etc.), or...
  •  It can be the quantity of embellishments used (for example: 8 different types of patterned paper, 8 photos, 8 brads, 8 flowers, etc.). You do not have to use 8 pieces of every type of embellishment or product on your page, but at least one type of product should be in the quantity of 8.

Rules of play:

Format: Traditional, digital, hybrid scrapbook pages, cards, altered object, home decor items, etc...just about anything using number 8, whether as a theme of a quantity of items used.

Where/how to submit? Please leave one link to where we can see your creation (whether personal blog or online gallery. However, please do not leave links to sites where one has to become a member to view the images).

Due date: August 12 (24:00 EST).

Prize: Inque boutique 13 rubber cling stamp set: #50445 Encircled (pictured to the right).

I can't wait to see what you surprize me with!

Good Luck to all!!!


  1. Translation for lithuanians:
    Kadangi šis konkursas yra Nr. 8, ir 8 yra mano "laimingas" skaičius, nutariau kad būtina surengti konkurso temą būtent apie Nr.8.
    Taigi...Tema tokia:
    panaudokite Nr. 8 kaip :
    ***aktualią temą: Pavyz. vaiko, ar savo pačios 8 gimtadienis, ar jei gimėte 8 mėn, ar 8 mėn nėštumo, ar "8 faktai apie mane", ir t.t
    ***arba...8 kaip kiekįproduktų ar detalių (pavyz. 8 skirtingus raštuotus popierius, 8 nuotraukas, 8 kniedes, 8 gėles, 8 sagas, ar panašiai)...Nebūtina kad visos detalės būtų po 8, bet bent viena rūšis jų ;)

    Terminas:Rugpjūčio 12d.

    ***Konkursinius įkeliame čia komentaruose

    Lauksiu Jūsų darbelių ;)

  2. this is a nice one,i'll have a look if i can come up with something....have a beautiful day.

  3. Jolanda,
    I would be so happy if you participate! The more the merrier ;)

  4. Prisistatau:

  5. Ir aš pristatau! :)

  6. Zivile, kokia tu greita. :) Skanumėlis, o ne skrebukas.

    Man, beje, irgi buvo kilus tokia mintis kopijuoti šį A. E. LO. :) Tik aš pastaruoju metu nukritau į kažkokią skrepbedugnę... Bandau išsikapanoti, nes l. noriu skrebinti. :)

  7. Aiva, paskubėk, dar gali spėti sudalyvauti, o tavo skrebuko jau seniai nematėm ;)

  8. bandau laime ;) 8 zuvikes

    Marika ;)

  9. Bandysiu ir as sudalyvauti konkurse. Mano darbelyje yra 8 drugeliai ir skaiciukas 8



  10. Živile, aš spėjau. :)



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