Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Help us promote a new Sketch Blog & WIN a spectacular prize!!!

I have the honor and privilege to be a part of an amazingly talented, international design team for a new Sketch/journaling site: Once Upon a Sketch.
I hope you help us promote this baby so that it may grow.

There's a generous prize package:
This absolutely stunning March kit from My Scrapbook Nook is full of the latest Emma's Shoppe from Crate Paper, My Minds Eye Stella and Rose, Webster's Trim and American Crafts ribbons and thickers...You don't want to miss this...

So what do you need to do to be in the running for this? us spread the word that this challenge blog is alive.

  1. Grab our badge from the side of this blog and add it to your blog's sidebar.
  2. Post about our site and our giveaway on your blog with a link back to here and a photo of our badge and our prize.
  3. Make sure you are a follower and leave us a comment in this post to let us know you have done all of the above.
***Remember this is open to anyone and you have one week, until the 30th of March. We will announce the winner on March 31st!
*** *** *** ***
Kviečiu visas skrebukes(-us) platinti žinią apie naujo, tarptautinio konkurso blogo įkūrimą: Once Upon a Sketch. Tikiuosi kad Jūs prisijungsite ir padėsite pastatyti šį naujagimį ant kojų.

  1. Talpinkite Once upon a Sketch logotipą savo blogo antraštėje.
  2. Paskelbkite žinutę apie Once Upon a Sketch blogą, nuorodą į saitą, ir prizo nuotrauką.
  3. Tapkite saito gerbėju, ir palikite komentarą čia kad įvygdėte visus reikalavimus.
Prizas nemenkas.... Tai 'My Scrapbook Nook' kit Kovo rinkinys kuriame yra naujai išleista skrebinimo produkcija: 'Emma's Shoppe' leidinys Crate Paper, My Minds Eye Stella and Rose, Webster's Trim ir American Crafts juostelės bei lipdukai.
Sudalyvaukite iki Kovo 30.


  1. I am so excited to be working with you! Congrats!

  2. Great Post Irma and I am also excited to be working with you!!!
    Lou xx

  3. Gaila, neturiu blog'o... :/ O taip norėčiau šio prizo... :)


  4. Great post..and Im so excited to see the sketch!!!
    I love evrything in here!!!
    Hugs from Brazil
    I'm your I will came back!!
    Have a nice weekend!!!

  5. Žadėjau šiandien publikuoti tavo naujienas savo bloge, bet ... numirė kompiuteris.
    Prižadu, nors ir nebedalyvausiu (nebespesiu pagal laika) kai sutvarkys, paskelbsiu savo blogo naujienose.
    O prizas isties gundantis.


Have a comment? Please share, because it makes my day!