Thursday, April 14, 2011

It's gone LIVE!!! Once Upon a Sketch April15 (#2)

Title: The Boys of Summer
Pavadinimas: Vasaros berniukai

This is the sketch you need to follow...

Hope you can join in the new Once Upon a Sketch blog challenge here.

Can you believe we have had 101 submissions for the inaugural 1st sketch?! I am speechless and so pleased with the overwhelming interest and participation. Hope you can join us for this sketch. The prizes are very generous, and even if your submission does not get the 1st place, you have ample opportunity to win randomly or have an honorable mention showcasing your work.

International entries  welcome:

Your journalling criteria for this challenge is to:
*write the reason you chose to scrap this photo 
(e.g. to remember this moment, to remember someone, to send a message to someone, because this photo makes you smile, the photo shows a personal achievement, your child's milestone etc. etc. )

Your journalling can be any type i.e. handwritten, printed etc.. and as long as you wish it to be.

*REMEMBER: If you are making a card or altered project you DO NOT need to include the journalling criteria BUT you MUST use a quote somewhere on your card or project.....
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About my page:
This layout of mine is unlike any I have done before, because I approached creating it in a different manner than I am used to. Usually, I plan out and visualize the layout even before I start glueing elements down. This time, the process was very intuitive - not much planning just scraping paint onto a gessoed chipboard. I've used a consumer card to drag paint around, a paint brush, and a baby wipe to remove paint in some areas. Then I sprayed the piece with Tattered Angels chalk spray in some areas.
This is a 3D piece held together by stacks of foam squares (see photo above). I've cut holes into the chipboard and after backing it with another piece of painted chipboard, I placed acrylic pebbles, pond grass, and dried reeds. It gives the impression of depth and life beyond the surface of the page.
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Kviečiu Juj sudalyvauti antrame tarptautiniame Once Upon a Sketch konkurse čia.
Konkurso taisyklės:
*Interpretuokite viršuj pavaizduotą eskizą bele kaip (galite apversti, apsukti, dadėti elementus ar kai kuriuos nuimti
*PASTEBĖKITE: šis konkursas reikalauja kad jūsų projektas būtų su aprašymu 'journalling'.

 *Kriterijus: Kodėl parinkote skrebinti būtent šią nuotrauką?
*Jeigu jūsų darbelis yra netradicinis skrebukas (t.y. atvirukas, kabikas, ar kito mediumo projektas), tada vietoj aprašymo, yra būtina panaudoti citatą, patarlę ar panašiai.
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Šis 'mixed media' skrebukas susidėliojo man neįprasta eiga. Kas man įprasta, tai visą koncepsiją bei detales suplanuoti, mintyse sudėlioti, ir vaizduotėj 'matyti' jau užbaigtą. Šį kartą kuryba kitu kampu susidėliojo. Tiesiog žaidžiau kaip vaikai žaidžia su dažais...žaidžia kadangi tai labai smagu ir nesitiki pasiekti tokio ar anokio rezultato. 
Darbo eiga:
*Kartono pagrindas uždažytas baltu gruntu (gesso). Po to su dovanų kortele užtepiau dažų, kai kur su teptuku padažiau, karts nuo karto su drėgna servetėle (baby wipe) nuvaliau vietomis. Pagaliau su purškiamais dažais papurškiau vietom...dar pavaliau.
*Kartono pagrinde prakirtau skylių į kurias klijavau stikliukų, žolių, džiovintų nendrių.
*Po pagrindu irgi antras kartonas...tarp jų lipnios pagalvėlės (nuotrauka viršuj).
*Skrebukas iš šono nukirstas kad tilptų į 30cm x 30cm įmautę
*Nendrės forma iškirsta iš žodyno lapo.

Ačiū už komentarus!

Supply List:
*Chipboard: Grafix
*Paper: Black Ink (hand-made green); Newspaper print (dictionary page).
*Index tab: Daisy D's.
*Label sticker: 7gypsies.
*Acrylic pebbles: Recollections for Michael's stores (large); The Robins Nest 'dew drops' (small).
*Pens: Faber-Castell PITT (black); Kuretake ZIG Millennium (brown); Sakura (orange).
*Gesso: Golden
*Matte medium: Plaid Mod Podge.
*Paint: Liquitex: (blue and green); Delta Ceramcoat (yellow).
*Spray mist: Tattered Angels 'chalkboard'.
*Die cuts: Quickutz (tall newspaper print weeds), Sizzix (green weeds).
*Die cutting tool: Quickutz Epic 6.
*Floss: DMC
*Staples: Office supply.
*Dried reeds: craft supply.
*Adhesive: 3M Scotch ATG 714.
*Glue dots: Therm-o-web Zots.
*Foam tabs: generic 'Adhesives'.


  1. Wow!!! Sitas darbelis tavo man ziauriai fainas!!! Spalvos superines!! Tiesiog dievinu tokias spalvas, o potepiai... mhm.. jega!! :) Zodziu super!!!

  2. this layout is fantastic !
    The colours... wow

  3. Labai idomu ir isradinga su tais duobuciu iskirtimais! Esu maciusi atviruku, kur pro langeli (is skaidrios pleveles) matosi karoliukai, sagytes, drozlytes... O cia viskas atvira!!! Nu labai patiko :) Greitu laiku butinai isigysiu kokiu nors dazu, irgi bandysiu pateplioti :):):) Idomu, kokie dazai geriausia skrebukams, kad nuotraukyciu nesugadintu?

  4. Thank you Cat!
    Aciu Puski ir Amira:
    geriausi skrebinimui dazai yra akriliniai...nekenksmingi nuotraukom.

  5. I really love your background and the intensity of the colours, beautiful.

  6. Oh WOWEEEE this is so inspiring :))xx

  7. Wow! This is just absolutely fab! Love the colors and that flower/plant...looks awesome!

  8. oho... net nežinau ką dar pridurti :) labai šaunus darbelis ;)

  9. labai,labai fainas,toks atrodo šlapias:)

  10. Wow, cia tai bent! Zinai, man primena povandenini gyvenima, i dugna nusileidus kur vandenyne....(ne tai kad as ten buvau ) ;)
    Labai saunu, isivaizduoju kiek tu prie jo sedejai!

  11. Wow. Wow. Wow. This is stunning. And completely different from anything else I've seen. It's like it has a touch from the impressionists, like Claude Monet... And I love it!!!

    Thank you for beein such an inspiration!

  12. Simply beautiful! Very amazing job!

  13. Tikras meno kūrinys :) Nerealu ...

  14. This is so beautiful. AWESOME WORK! Well done. Love your details and the awesome pics.You are doing SO well ...KEEP going!

  15. Visiškai netradicinis darbas, toks išsiskiriantis iš visų ir net iš tavo pačios darbų ;) išradingas ir šolkiruojantis savo netradiciškumu. Va būtent tokie darbai ir verčia susimastyti, kiek daug galima padaryti be sspec priemonių. Ačiū Irma ;)

  16. Its layout was wonderful!!!
    I really love your background and the intensity of the colours, beautiful.
    just stopped by to thank your lovely comments and wish you a wonderful week!

  17. Tikras meno kurinys! Labai patinka tapytas backgroundas! Reiks ir man kada pabandyt sau skrebuko fona nusitapyt. Labai ikvepiantis darbas! :)

  18. I just love your page with this sketch, you all are giving us some beautiful inspiration to work with!!! I'm so glad that I found Once Upon A Sketch!!!!

  19. Awesome layout! Everything about it is amazing....

  20. I just love it!!!
    I appreciate your visits and kind words again !!!!!
    I wish you a Happy Easter, with peace, love and especially health !!!!!

  21. Gorgeous, artsy page, Irma! Love the design, and that painty background is just amazing!

  22. Wow! This is just absolutely fab! Love the colors and that flower looks awesome!!!!
    fantastic page!!
    Hugs from Brazil

  23. Uj, koooks šlapias LO :) Mane labiausiai sužavėjo, kaip tu pati nudažei pagrindą... Ir labai patiko "lašai". Nuotraukų net nekomentuoju, nes jos nuostabios. :)
    P.S. Ir pavadinimas turėtų būt ne "Vasaros berniukai", o "Vasaros varliukai". :)


  24. Thanks for your visit and lovely coments!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!
    Hugs from Brazil.

  25. I loved this L.O. it looked so wonderful you feel asif the background is part of the photos...lovely paint technique..

  26. Oh this is STUNNING!! The background word is fabulous - wonderful colour and details


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