Title: Our Little Man said..."I'll Never be too old to hold your hand"
Pavadinimas: Mūsų Mažasis Vyrukas pasakė..."Aš niekad nebūsiu per didelis laikyti tavo ranką"
This layout was created for the October 1st sketch at Once Upon a Sketch, and my hope is that in some small way, it might inspire you to play along with us ;)The journaling criteria is to journal about two noteworthy events of the past week. The two recent events for our family is that our eldest son Omar started kindergarten, and we also started our daily walk to school. On this particular day, September 22 (Yep, I know there's a date typo on the layout....this tends to happen when I stay up late scrapping till the wee hours:), Omar and I had such a heartwarming conversation. I was telling him how soon he'll grow up and be too big and too cool to hold mom's hand, and he said just so matter-of-factly: I'll never be too old to hold your hand.
I tell 'ya, moments like these make being a mom worth all the heartache and struggles of raising children.
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Šis skrebukas yra sukurtas Spalio 1-mos Once Upon a Sketch eskizų iššukių saitui.
Užduotis yra interpretuoti eskizą ir būtinai aprašyti apie pastarosios savaitės du svarbius įvykius. Mano skrebuko tema yra apie tai kad mūsų sūnelis pradėjo naują pradinę 'elementary' mokyklą, ir tuom pat prasidėjo mūsų kasdieniniai pasivaikščiojimai į mokyklą. Jis visad laiko mano ranką, ir šią dieną - Rugsėjo 22 (nors aprašyme prikliurkinau datą...ženklas kad skrebinu naktinėdama per vėlai :), sūneliui pasakiau kad neužilgo jis taps didelis bachūras ir nebenorės laikyti mano ranką. Omar pagalvojo ir rimtai atsakė: "Aš niekad nebūsiu per didelis laikyti tavo ranką." Tokie momentai taip šildo širdį kad atima bent kokias buvusias vaikų išdaigas.
Kviečiu ir Jus sudalyvauti OUAS konkurse (reikalavimai bei prizai paskelbti apačioj šio įrašo).
Supply list:
*Patterned paper, brads (red and blue flower): Making Memories.
*Journaling card: K & Company.
*Journaling and border sticker (green): Hambly Studios.
*Chipboard: Imaginarium Designs (title), Heidi Grace Designs (heart).
*Alphabet rub-ons: American Crafts.
*Pens: Kuretake ZIG.
*Stick pins: Fancy Pants Designs.
*Adhesive rhinestones: TPC Studio.
*Button flower embellishment: Hand-made (unknown source).
*Embossing ink and powder: Ranger Industries.
*Paint: Liquitex.
*Bakers twine: Studio calico.
*Thread: Coats & Clark.
*Sewing machine: Singer.
*Adhesive: Scotch ATG 714; Glue dots: Term-o-Web.
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October 1st challenge
Journaling Criteria: WRITE 2 noteworthy (to you anyway) events of the past week. Your journalling can be as long as you wish. There is NO limit to how much journalling you include but in order to qualify as a winner for this challenge, we must see AT LEAST 1 SENTENCE of journalling on WHY each event was noteworthy.Sponsors
We are SO excited to announce the sponsors for this challenge!
Welcome to Once Upon A...Sketch..

Nikki Sivils Scrapbooker is a scrapbooking company specializing in premium papers and embellishments that will make you smile. From whimsical designs to cute, cuddly creatures, Nikki Sivils designs straight from her heart hoping to inspire creativity and expressions of love and life
Bibbys One of a Kind was established in 2011 out of my passion to create. I am a SAHM and spend each day creating something new, I have a facebook page https://www.facebook.com/Bibbysoneofakindwhere I do a lot of my advertising and updates ,and a small blog page which I am trying to grow. I make embellishment packs, crochet items, party favours and invitations to name a few. New ideas are born regularly.
How would you like to be our Guest Designer for November? This is the challenge where you have the chance to win a spot on our design team for the whole upcoming month simply by winning this challenge. As well as being our Guest Designer, as chosen by our Design team, you will also receive.....*This fabulous collection from the amazing Nikki Sivils
**Our second placed winner will receive these beautifully, handcrafted embellishments from
Bibby's One Of A Kind
Bibby's One Of A Kind

I am sending the winner of my prize two of my previous embellishment packs and a 3rd mystery pack with a theme of your choice. This pack will be a 'one off' handmade pack created especially for you! Good luck everyone, Bibby.
**Since it is our 6 months anniversary, Nadia Cannizzo of Once Upon a Sketch would like to send out some prizes of her own to 3 luckyRANDOMLY DRAWN winners, but at this point she's keeping them a surprise.
Things to consider when playing along...
**This is an international blog, so anyone can enter
**You are allowed to create a card, layout or off-the-page item based on the provided sketch and additional journalling criteria. If you are creating a card or altered item you only need to include a quote.
**You are also allowed to flip or rotate the sketch or alter it to suit your needs, but please make sure its still recognisable.
**Post your creation on your blog or an online gallery and link it on the bottom of this post at OUAS using the Link tool. Please provide a direct link to your post, not your entire blog.If the link tool is down, please leave a comment on the comments section and link your layout there.
** The deadline for this challenge is midnight October 14th, Australian Eastern Standard Time . The Design Team will vote and the winners and the Top 5 project will be announced soon after the challenge has finished.
**You may enter as many times as you like and combine this with other challenges.
**Also, please consider turning off word verification for comments on your blog.
For a complete list of the rules please see the top of this page at Once Upon a Sketch.
**Since it is our 6 months anniversary, Nadia Cannizzo of Once Upon a Sketch would like to send out some prizes of her own to 3 luckyRANDOMLY DRAWN winners, but at this point she's keeping them a surprise.
Things to consider when playing along...
**This is an international blog, so anyone can enter
**You are allowed to create a card, layout or off-the-page item based on the provided sketch and additional journalling criteria. If you are creating a card or altered item you only need to include a quote.
**You are also allowed to flip or rotate the sketch or alter it to suit your needs, but please make sure its still recognisable.
**Post your creation on your blog or an online gallery and link it on the bottom of this post at OUAS using the Link tool. Please provide a direct link to your post, not your entire blog.If the link tool is down, please leave a comment on the comments section and link your layout there.
** The deadline for this challenge is midnight October 14th, Australian Eastern Standard Time . The Design Team will vote and the winners and the Top 5 project will be announced soon after the challenge has finished.
**You may enter as many times as you like and combine this with other challenges.
**Also, please consider turning off word verification for comments on your blog.
For a complete list of the rules please see the top of this page at Once Upon a Sketch.
kaip miela... žodžiai net sugraudino :) o jau sūnelio foto... net nebeturiu žodžių apie skrebuką :P labai labai :)
untly No probs about the date! We have all done that. What a heart warming 'event' and conversation. I cherish those moments. I am realising how quickly Maria is growing up...I am saddened. Anyway. Awesome work. LOVE LOVE your journalling. Everything you create is just SO special. I love it. Thanks for your hard work at OUAS!
kokie zodziai... kiekvienos mamos svajone...
Irma, tau tinka daryti tokius greitus skrebukus... tada jie atrodo kazkokie kitokie... nezinau kas, bet sitam kazkas kitaip ;)
labai patiko, kaip desinej pusej inkorporuotas toks, regis, klasikinis rastas, ir tarsi prie vaiko tematikos neturetu tikti... o cia super atrodo, tu - genijus... nu, as niekad nesugalvociau panaudoti, cia stampukas, ane?
zodziu, kaip visada 100 balu ;)
Labai švelni ir jautri tema. Labai patiko schemos interpretacija. Tavo visi darbai pagal schemas man labai patinka tuo, kad juose lieka tik užuomina į schemą, o patys skrebukai gaunasi labai saviti.
Tiesiog sutirpau ... Tokiais atvejais nerandu žodžių jausmui apsakyti, kuris užplūsta tokiomis akimirkomis. Tobula ... žaviuosi tavo sūneliais ir šeima :)
This is wonderful! Love the look and your colors in this one! Fabo!
Kaip smagu, kad suskrebinai sita judvieju pasikalbejima... Ir aprasei ta ypatinga judvieju laika. Labai patiko.
I love your page! The color choices are really great. The moment you captured is beautiful and so true, those moments are worth everything!
Irma, this is just a wonderful take on this challenge! I love your title work and design!!! Beautiful as always!!!
I just love your page..so many
wonderful detais!!!
Just a fantastic work as always !!!
The photo is gorgeus the moment you captured is fantastic !!!!Gorgeus work at all!!!
I wish a wonderful week.
Kisses and huges
Perskaičiau ir susigraudinau, toks mažo žmogučio pareiškimas, labai svarbus mamos širdžiai. Matosi, kad tarp jūsų ypatingas ryšys.
O dėl skrebuko, bis grįžau ir grįžau tyrinėti, kaip gi tu interpretavai schemą, kokias detalės panaudojai. Nes kai pamatau schemoje gėles, man toks jausmas, kad jų ir reikalauja. dėl to dažnai ir rankos nusvyra. Bet gi visada jas galima pakeisti kitomis mielomis smulkmenomis ;)
Thank you all!
Aciu visom ;)
Meadow kas liecia del schemu...pastaruoju metu butent apie tai OUAS bose ir pergyveno ir musu dizaineriu klause ar kitiem susidaro tokia nuomone kad del geliu tikimasi moterisku, geletu skrebuku?
O atsakymas tai kad geles gali apmainyti i bent kokias kitas detales ar tai zvaigzdes ar sagas, ir pan.
Aplamai as kelis kartus tiek nukrypau nuo eskizo kad pati nepridaviau....sunku man skrebinti remuose :( Bet zinok kad OUAS didziausias ir nepalauziamas reikalavimas tai 'journaling'- aprasymo kriterijus. Beveik kieviena konkursa atsiranda tarptautini dalyviu kurie butu pateke i Top 5 ar net laimeje, bet teko diskvalifikuoti kadangi nebuvo jokio aprasymo.
Great take on the sketch--I like how you rotated it 90 degrees!
That conversation with your son is so cute! Something similar happened with my son over the weekend. We were touring a historic site, and the tour guide encouraged the kids to come to the front of the group in order to see better. My son said, "Mom, I want to stay in the back with you. Because when I go to school tomorrow, I'll be away from you. So, I want to be next to you right now." Oh, melt my heart!!!!
Aww, koks geras berniukas...įsivaizduoju kaip miela tokius žodžius girdeti! Gražu!
what a wonderful page.. simple elegant with all details... love it!
Such a sweet LO! Love the burst of color! Thanks for the inspiration!
Irma this is such an awesome page. Your designs and journalling always inspire me.
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