Title: Word to the Wise
This page came together in lightning speed. Just a few hours ago, I was cruising challenge sites for some inspiration. I stumbled upon the above Page Maps sketch challenge, but...the kicker is that it ends in just a few hours. Will I have enough time to finish? I fed the kids dinner, put them to bed, ran into my scrapping room and got to work.
So what did I learn from scrapping when it's 'down to the wire'? I learned that the result is just as pleasing to me as the pages where I agonize for hours over the perfect, matching shade of a color; that it's better not to over think, but just to go with your gut instinct.
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My interpretation of the sketch:
It is a mirror image of the sketch. I already had these 3 photos printed, so I had to adjust the sketch to fit them. But as you see, the bare bones L-shaped design, the matting, the dots outline, the title placement are all borrowed from the sketch.
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So what's this page about???
Beyond the obvious, that this is a Halloween page, this layout is more about the hand-me-down turtle costume which Adam inherited this year from his older brother. Last year when Omar wore it, we agonized whether the implication of a turtle (being slow, not an action figure, etc.) would scar Omar's self-confidence (him being a sensitive child).
This year when it was Adam's turn to wear it, I was afraid he'll reject it. Adam being a turtle?! Ha! That's a definition of an oxymoron. But he wore it and became crazy, possessed turtle. Proof that the clothes (or costume in this case), don't make the man. Adam has that personality that just SHINES. You can put a paper bag on him, and people will still take notice of his antics!
Well done! Sauniai padirbeta! :)
ReplyDeleteNerealus tavo mazasis!!! Jau toks fainas, toks paseles!!! Jis cia sakyciau kaip vezliukas nindze :) O vyresnysis, tikrai toks rimtas vyras, matosi kad visai skirtingi vaikai, ypac sitose nuotraukose. O darbelis supernis, ir dar taip greit padarytas, tikrai nera prie ko prikibt!!
ReplyDeletePamenu tavo didijį su vėžliuko kostiumu sėdintį parke ir rimtai žiūrintį į tolį. Dar skrebukas toks šiltas gavosi su saule siuvinėta ... Mažis vėžliuko kostiumą nešioja kitaip ... :) kaip tikras vėžliukas ninzė. Išties skirtingi vaikučiai :)
ReplyDeleteDarbelis šventiškas ... toks linksmas, lengvas.
Jaunėlis nustelbė :) Šaunus skrebukas :)
ReplyDeleteIrma, o kaip tu ir kitos skrebukės darot tuos užrašus, kaip word to the ?? Čia atspauzdinta paprastai ir sukarpyta, ar kas nors įdomiau?
Aciu visom skrebukem uz grazius zodzius ;)
Alina fraze 'word to the' yra sulipdyta is raidyno lipduku (Cosmo Cricket firmos). Panasus efektas taip pat gaunamas su 'Dymo' plastikine ismusamu raidziu juostele ;)
I love your page, I love all your pages!! I read your story and laughed out loud. I can't count the number of times that I have scurried around the house, finishing up those last minute chores to get into the art room even if its for 5 to 10 minutes. Sometimes those are my most productive times. I think there is something to be said for just following those gut instincts:)
ReplyDeleteCha, gal tu ir greit ji deliojai, bet rezultatas tai labai šaunus!
ReplyDeleteNuotraukos labai gražios ir tas voriukas... Tai nors imk ir paslapcia kai Irma nemato nukrapstyk! :D dailu!
super fainas greitasis skrebukas! cia jau seniai viskas aisku - talentas ;)
Labai dailus ir spalvotas skrebukas! Kad ir as taip greit skrebukus mokeciau sumest :)) Ir schema labai patiko :)
ReplyDeleteAdomukas savo stiliuje!!! :)))
ReplyDeletePrieš akis iškart iškilo Mariuko-vėžliuko vaizdas - kokie visgi skirtingi iš jų gavosi vėžliukai! Mariuko rimtas žvilgsnis, žvelgiantis į tolius kaip tikro mažo Šviesos kario... O Adomukas toks padūkęs vėžliukas Neklaužada. :)))
Skrebukas man labai patiko, toks spalvingas, linksmas. :) Labai patiko oranžinis taškuotas popierius ir heloviniškos detalės. :)
O tai Mariukas šiemet buvo gaisrininkas?
Jau kaip juokiausi is aprasymo !!! Nemirtigni tavo abudu vaikai. Jau pradedu galvot, o jeigu turesiu du berniukus, ar jie bus tokie kaip ir tavo - broliai, bet vis tik labai skirtingi ...
ReplyDeleteLabai saunus, linksmas skrebukas ... tikrai bus ka prisiminti ...