Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Kraft it up! November Challenge...

Title: Lucky Star
Pavadinimas: [Gimęs po] Laimės žvaigždute...

This page is made for Kraft it up! November challenge - my very first time participating at this site! The requirements are that one must use kraft card stock (or kraft patterned paper), and the theme for November is a focus on creative methods for journaling.
Journaling for me is one of those tasks that is left until the end, when my layout is almost or already complete. Not because I struggle with it, but the opposite - I usually have so much to say that a small journaling tag is never enough. I get to enjoy the design and creative aspects of scrapping, and in the end when it's time to journal, I see how much space is left on the layout. If there's not enough space to express all I wish to say, then I just type it up, and stick the letter to the back of the page...

My journaling card fits inside a pocket glued to the upper back side of the page. Because the page protectors open at the top, it is really easy to pull out the card by the tab and to return it when it has been read. My albums are full of these 'pull' tabs sticking up from the top of the albums.

In case anyone is wondering what this layout is about, here's the journaling:

August 24, 2011.
Dear Adam, It seems that you have been born under a lucky star! Lately baba and I have been joking that with your good luck, we should take you along to Las Vegas to the casinos. You see, we have been using the coin toss method to settle everything from what flavor milkshake I’ll make for you boys, to which toy or game you or your brother will get to choose first. No matter what you choose – heads or tails – you win more than a majority of the time. We even tried foreign currency, but with the same result – your pick is always the lucky one. I also joke that perhaps this is a message from a higher power to Omar. That is, to become a more gracious loser, because he hates losing and has a difficult time controlling his temper and whining.
But most importantly, I need you to know that YOU have undeniable charisma and star quality. Your infectious giggles, your dimples when you smile, your boundless energy, your cunning ways of: “Mama I love you...give me a kiss” when you’ve done something wrong, or you want to get something. People might hate you or love you, but no one will be indifferent to you. Your presence shines and commands attention. At times I am overwhelmed at how intense you are! There’s not a dull moment when you are around. Usually if there is a moment of silence, I know you are up to something and that is something not good.
Even when I’m punishing you, I have to bite my lip from laughing, because you try to make the negative feelings go away and just make everyone happy and smiling. May luck and your joy for life never abandon you!

The award ribbon is where I got carried away! I wish I could show you in person to see all the detail! Everything is hand-stitched and paper-pieced from various die cuts. The red star is die-cut from velvet paper; The brown ribbon flags are cut from leather paper, and the tassels are genuine deerskin leather. Another love I've developed is for embossed gold foil as seen in the golden horse shoe. The intricate embossed design is amazing on these german foil pieces!

My page is very country western inspired, and quite an odd choice as I do not like country western motifs. But again, looking at a photo of my son: leather sofa, bearskin throw, a young lad...it took on a cowboy theme on its own.

In the above photo I wanted to bring attention to the spray misted background. It is not obvious in any other straight-on photo of this layout (the background just looks brown in the other shots), but when the light strikes at an angle, the whole background sparkles with gold Glimmer Mist.

Thank you so much for taking the time to view my creation!

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*Šis skrebukas apie pagramduko Adomo laimę pagautą gimstant po laimės žvaigžde. 
Kada vaikai nesutaria ar nepasidalina, visad metam monetą išrinkti laimingąjį nugalėtoją loterijos būdu. Nesvarbu ką pasirinks mažasis -"galvą ar uodegą" - beveik visad jis laimi. Juokaujam kad reikėtų su juo apsilankyti Las Vegase :)

*Skrebukas vienas iš tų kurį pilnai 'pamatyti' įmanoma tiktai realiai...fotografija niekaip nepateikia pilno vaizdo. Pavyz. atkreipkite dėmesį į paskutinės nuotraukos dažais purkštą foną. Kadruojant tiesiogiai jis atrodo rudas, o iš šono kada šviesa apšviečia, jis tiesiog spindi aukso spalva (efektas išgautas Glimmer Mist aukso spalvos purškiamais dažais).

*Skrebuke panaudojau mano naujos manijos požymį- vokišką 'Dresdeno aukso' sausai embosintą folijos detalę. Taip realiai ir kruopščiai išspaustas dizainas kad jei ne popieriaus svoris, apsigaučiau kad čia grynas auksas!
Neužilgo tikėkitės pamatyti  ir kitų 'Dresdeno auksu' puoštų skrebukų (viena moteriškė ebėjuj labai patenkinta kad mane aprūpino gausiom atsargom :)

*Viskas siuvinėta rankom; Medalio raudona žvaigždė kirsta iš barchatinio popieriaus; Medalio rudos juostelės kirstos iš odos popieriaus....Gavosi labai berniukiškas 'country-western' stiliaus skrebukas. Keisčiausiai tai kad mane 'western' žanra mažiausiai domina, bet šiai temai pagal nuotrauką: Sūnelis ant odinės sofos, meškos kaily įsisukęs....rodos lyg savaime tokia tema susiklostė :)

Dėkoju kad apsilankėte ir nepagailėjote pakomentuoti!

Supply list:
*Cardstock: Bazzill Basics Paper (kraft).
*Patterned paper: 7 gypsies (striped); Daisy D's (red floral); October Afternoon (red plaid); Deja Views by C-Tru (kraft grape vine); Paper Pizazz (jean fabric and leather).
*Specialty paper: Hot off the Press (red velvet).
*Alphabet: Making Memories (jeans fabric); Nostalgiques by Rebecca Sower (typewriter keys).
*Sentiment/words sticker: Creative Imaginations - Creative Cafe.
*Gold embossed foil: eBay.
*Dies: Sizix/Tim Holtz Alterations (rosette); Spellbinders (star and ribbon flags); Quickutz (star border and large label).
*Die cutting system: Sizzix/Tim Holtz Vegabond.
*Punches: EK Success (corner rounder); McGill (tab).
*Stitching hole piercer: EK Success - Cutter Bee Bugs.
*Stamp: Cat's Life Press ('pull').
*Felt border: Inque Boutique.
*Floss: DMC.
*Leather lace: Silver Creek Leather Co.
*Spray mist: Tattered Angels.
*Stencil: The Crafter's Workshop.
*Ink: Ranger Distress.
*Adhesive: Scotch ATG 714; Kuretake ZIG glue pen; Darice (adhesive foam).
*Staples: Office supply.
*Font: Rockwell


  1. Nuostabu! Man taip patiko, kad net apsakyt negaliu :) Labai patiko, kad jis neperkrautas detalėm (aš taip nemoku :D), bet ir minimalistiniu jo nepavadinsi. Toks aukso viduriukas, kai atrodo, kad viskas čia jau senai buvę :) O tas medalis, super. Reikės pasiskolinti šitą idėją ;) Dar turiu klausimą, ar pasaga ir Amerikoj laimės simbolis?

  2. stulbinamai tiksliai perteikta mintis! tos žvaigždės ir žvaigždutės...
    o mažojo foto nereali :)
    labai labai gražuuuuu :)

  3. Kas ryte gali būti geriau už saulutę, karštą kavutę ir šviežią skrebuką? :))) Tavo skrebukas iš pat ryto paveikė mane įkvepiančiai (o man to juk laaabai reikia)!
    Ką aš galiu apie jį pasakyti? Jis - fantastiškas! Jis man atrodo tobulas. Apžiūrinėjau detales ir mąsčiau, kad jas turėjai padaryti pati - labai patiko žvaigždė su pasagėle. :)
    Dar norėčiau pasakyti, kad žvaigždės simbolis čia turi 2 reikšmes: 1. Adomukas gimė po laiminga žvaigžde. 2. Adomukas pats yra laiminga žvaigždė. :) Jo charakteriui labai tinka žvaigždės simbolis. :) Pataisyk mane, jei aš klystu. :)

  4. Wow, i love your gorgeous scrapping style! Just wanted to say thanks for leaving your lovely comments on my OUAS layout. Cheers!

  5. Neturiu ko pridurti :) Labai patiko ir pats skrebukas, jo detales, ir journaling tekstas.

  6. Neturiu ko pridurti :) Labai patiko ir pats skrebukas, jo detales, ir journaling tekstas.

  7. This is SO your style..classy and elegant and its all in the little details. Adam and Ioanna would get along like a house on fire.LOL! They sound identical. So awesome the way you did the journalling. :o) Love, Nadia.

  8. Labai gražus ir šiltas skrebukas. Išvis senokai tave stebiu, tad man visi tavo skrebukai žavingi ir šilti. Kiekvienas turi labai įdomų pasakojimą :) SUPER :)

  9. Love your new page! Your son sounds amazing, kids are such a gift, aren't they? I thought it was so funny that you mentioned glimmer mist because I have wanted to get some, but they don't sell it locally. I actually stumbled across a youtube video that shows how to make it on your own (this convinced me to give it a try!) Thanks for all your comments on my blog!

  10. Fantastic page Irma.. adore the hidden journaling and your fabulous hand made embellishment.. I can't believe you hand-stiched such tiny precise stitches.. amazing work!! So glad you decided to join us at KIU :))

  11. Thank you all for your kind words!
    *** *** ***
    Assol Taip! pasaga ir JAV skaitoma kaip laimes simbolis, bet...labiau pripazinta bei placiau zinoma tai keturlapis dobilas (cia pasiskolinta is airiu tautybes manau).
    Aiva Kas geriau galetu buti klausi?...tavo laiskiukas ;)
    Dekui ;) labai tiksliai apibudinai Adomuka! bet juk ji pati pamatei ir suvokei jo natura ;)
    English teacher Jurgita ir J-u-r-a-t-e Aciu!!!

  12. Tikrai, kad aukite ir skriskite i Las Vegas jei tik tokias galias mazasis turi! Tiesiog pasakiskas darbas! Istorija verta skrebinimo! Patiko purskimas ir tas nuostabus medalis! Lauksiu auksinių skrebuku dabar, sudominai! Dalia

  13. Just a fantastic and amazing page Irma!!!!!Your son sounds a great kids!!!I love the hidden journaling and all emblishment you made are so pretty!!!!Thanks for your visit and lovely words in my page for the OUAS, you always are so nice and sweet with me .You make me very happy..
    I wish a great weekend.
    Kisses and a big huges.

  14. Sitas skrebukas man atrodo "klasikinis Irmos" :) Net jeigu ir sakai, kad kauboju tema ir nera budinga, bet pats vaizdas - viskas savo vietose, skirtingos technikos ir detales - puikiai "irmiskai" :) Nuotraukos ypatingos, pacios prasosi skrebuko. O beje, LT lygtais pasagos apverstos naudojamos kaip laimes simbolis, na, kad laime "ikristu" per ta tarpa :)

  15. Oh Irma, I love this. What a fabulous all boy lo!

  16. Love the background, a gorgeous layout...thanks for playing along at KIU

  17. Irma your layout has some absolutely beautiful details, your ribbon looks so gorgeous and that misting with the star mask is amazing. I too am a lot like you with the journaling part, I tend to leave till last and have no where to fit it!!!! Thanks for playing along with us at KIU xx

  18. OH! MY! Goodness this is Tottaly FAN FAB U LAS....
    How AWESOME to attach your Journaling
    to the Back of your Layout!!!
    JUST Brillant....
    Loving the Masking of the Stars & Well Everything Really!!!
    THANKS SO Very Much for Sharing this With US over @ Kraft It Up....
    P.S Did u See that KIU has a Creative Team Call OUT!!!


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