Saturday, January 21, 2012

Yet another Scrapbook Trends publication for me :):):)

I tell 'ya, the novelty of seeing your work in print never wears off - at least for me, it hasn't so far. 
My layout 'Brothers and Sometimes Friends' is currently printed in the Scrapbook Trends February 2012 issue (page 107).

I was so happy they picked this page, because of the photos primarly. My boys rarely show this type of loving, snuggling behavior toward each other. Right now they more in a fight-for-their-mother's-attention stage. Hence the title, sometimes they DO love each other and are the best of friends.
*** *** ***
Norėjau pasidžiaugti kad mano skrebukas: "Broliai ir kartais draugai" buvo spausdinamas dabartiniam vasario mėn. 'Scrapbook Trends' žurnalo prenumerate. 
Nors ne pirmą kartą mano skrebukai esa ten patekę, visvien niekad nepriprasiu ir nepabos matyti savo skrebiškus kūrinius žurnalų puslapiuose :)


  1. Great job. Got mine today and I did recognize your name! Great subjects!

  2. Sveikinu Tave nuoširdžiai. Ir man labai džiugu matyti Tavo darbus spaudos leidiniuose :)

  3. That is so cool! I have seen that page earlier and I remember it well. It would be so great to see one of my pages in print! :-)
    A big congratulations from me.

  4. Sveikinu sveikinu! :) labai smagu matyti publikuojamus tavo darbelius :)Linkiu kuo dazniau dziaugtis tokiais smagumais ;)

  5. Nuoširdžiai už tave džiaugiuosi ir begalo tavimi didžiuojuos. Norėčiau, kad šis leidinys man būtų lengvai pasiekiamas ...

  6. Sveikinu! Gražus skrebukas, taiklus ir geras pavadinimas :)

  7. Sveikinu. Visada malonu, kai gauni tokius įvertinimus ;)

  8. Congratulations Irma!! What a thrill! Well deserved darling, absolutely beautiful! :)

  9. Congrats Irma!! I was smiling the minute I read your blog post title! How great that your children are already published too?:)


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