A sneaky 'sneak peak'...please read more.... ;)
Over at Once Upon A...Sketch, we are nearing the end of our first year and during this time we have noticed a huge amount of support from many countries around the world and we are incredibly lucky that our challenges are supported by so many people from all different parts of the globe. One of these countries is Greece, and we have come to realise that we receive many entries from such a small country where scrapbooking is so new, so we had a think and decided to team up with another challenge blog based in Greece and run by our very own Irini Liolia called Get Creative. How exciting!! We have decided to become "sister" blogs, because let's face it...most of us scrapping are women and is there anything stronger than a sisterhood? So for this month only, the Design Team from Once Upon A..Sketch are guests over at Get Creative and taking part in their 1st and 15th of the month challenges and the Design Team from Get Creative are guests on Once Upon A..Sketch! Thus a new bond is formed between 2 challenge blogs.
Here is the sketch that the Once Upon A..Sketch Design Team had to follow. It is created by Get Creative Design Team member Elina Katechi.

So head on over to the Get Creative blog to see what the rest of the Design Team created and to find out what prizes etc are up for grabs and then visit Once Upon A...Sketch to see the February 1st challenge!
Here's my take on the sketch....
I am thrilled that I was able to capture this magical moment that lasted only a few seconds. Adam paused after having come out of the pool, and was so delightfully happy watching the drops of water rolling off his nose, laughing and saying "drip drop... ." Moments like these, I am reminded of the innocent spirit of children and their ability to find joy and wonder in the simplest of things. The challenge as an adult, is how to hold on to the childlike sense of wonder.
Esu neapsakomai laiminga kad įamžinau šį momentą. Adomas, lyg saulės zuikutis, iššoko iš baseino ir keliom sekundėm pasilenkęs stebėjosi nuo nosies riedančiais vandens lašais. Vaikišku žavesiu nusijuokė ir atkartojo krentančio vandens garsą 'drip drop'. Po akimirkos jis atgal įšoko į vandenį. Šis netikėtas Adomo kadras man esa vienas iš favorit'ų.
Vaikų sugebėjimas žavėtis tokiomis smulkmenomis priverčia mane dažnai susimąstyti kad ištiesų - laimė slypi ne daiktuose ar mūsų aplinkybėse, ji esa mumyse.
*I've used the below sketch provided to the OUAS desig team by Get Creative, but 'tweeked it' a bit: the sketch is rotated 90 degrees clockwise; instead of a circular mat for my photo I chose a square; I liked the idea of a diagonal flow of the clusters of embellishments, but I changed the direction of this diagonal.
*Pateiktą eskizą apsukau, ir vietoj apvalios formos po foto, panaudojau stačiakampį...sunku man kartais {dažnai} skrebinti tiksliai pagal eskizą.
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Thank you for your comments!
Supply list:
*Watercolor paper: Arches.
*Patterned paper and sticker (raindrop): American Crafts.
*Felt: Creative Imaginations.
*Vellum: EKSuccess.
*Rub-ons: KI Memories.
*Acrylic shapes: Fancy Pants Designs (stem), Making Memories (flower), Craft supply (button).
*Spray Mist: Tattered Angels (blue), October Afternoon (pink).
*Stamps: Hero Arts (wood grain), Fontwerks (alpha), Impression Obsession (large background).
*Embossing powder: American Crafts (blue and green), Ranger industries (clear powder and ink).
*Twine: My Mind's Eye.
*Paper tape: Martha Stewart Crafts.
*Paper punches: Martha Stewart Crafts ( deckle edge circle, and small and medium butterflies), EK Success (corner rounder).
*Die cut: Quickutz (large butterfly).
*Die cutting system: Sizzix Tim Holz Vegabond.
*Floss: DMC
*Staples: Tim Holtz.
*Adhesive: Scotch ATG 714, Zots glue dots, Darice (dimensional foam adhesive).
SO gorgeous. LOVE to see your take on sketches as they are so unique and stand out :) Thank you So much. Oh by the way you have used an incredible photo. LOVE it.
ReplyDeleteSitas darbelis, vienas geriausiu is taviskiu, man jis labai patinka!!! Tikrai viskas taip puikiai padaryta, kad nera ir ka besakyti!!!
ReplyDeleteSutinku su Nadia, tu visada labai kurybingai ir kitaip/savaip perteiki brezinius. Patiko mėlynas purkstas pavadinimas ir tie vos iziurimi drugeliai, bet labai subtilus!
ReplyDeleteWhat a fabulous layout and love how you have changed it up, i agree with Nadia the photo is amazing.
kur yra turkio/zydros spalvos, ten ir mano simpatijos :) Labai uzkabino tas dazu isliejimaas! nuostabiai ziurisi. O kas po nuotrauka? cia turbut embosintas popierius?
ReplyDeleteDedu i favoritus:)
I agree with the comments, you are quite the photographer! I love that you captured that moment. I have an older daughter and she always wants to hear childhood memories and its hard to recall the small precious ones, but you will have lots for them with your scrapbooks. A real treasure!
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful lo! Looks so upbeat!
ReplyDeleteVery creative!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful take on the sketch and love the rotated look. What a priceless photo and just love that "water" dripping down the page.
ReplyDeleteIrma, I love that photo! And your water drops and the title work! This is awesome! I love it!
ReplyDeletekaip grazu!! o kokia grazi akimirka ir tikrai verta is vaiku pasimokyti dziaugtis tokioms smulkmenomis! labai patiko spalvos, o pavadinimas isvis pakerejo, lyg laseliai nuplove kapsedami nuo mazojo nosytes :)
ReplyDeletejei nepaslaptis kaip padaromas toks pavadinimas.. na turiu omeni turbut ant atskiro lapo issikarpai raides ir naudoji kaip trafareta? :)
grazu :)
ReplyDeleteir man idomu, kas ten is karto po nuotrauka?popierius jau toks buvo ar kazka pati padarei su dazais, kad toks efektas tarsi lasai/vanduo ant stiklo :)
Wow! Thank you all for such kind words!
ReplyDelete*** *** ***
Ačiū visom už liaupses :)
Atsakysiu į technikos klausimus:
Po nuotrauka yra štampuota ir embosinta (karštu fenu) su žydros spalvos embosinimo milteliais.
Antspaudas yra raudonos gumos, labai didelio formato: Impression Obssession firmos "Cover-a-Card: Fizz" Code: CC013
Toliau apie pavadinima:
Pavadinimas taip pat yra štampuotas raudonos gumos raidyno antspaudukais (po vieną raidę), bet su skaidriais milteliais lydytas. Čia gaunasi 'resist' štampavimo technika, kadangi po embosinimo skaidriais milteliais, bent kokius dažus paliesi, ta vieta kur embosinta 'reist' t.y. atmuša dažus.
Kadangi raidyno antspaudukai ne skaidrūs, buvo sudėtinga lygiai štampuoti. Bet kitavertus, galbūt tai į temą, kadangi rodos kad lašai nuplauna pavadinimą, ar pats pavadinimas rieda žemyn :)
so beautiful! and i love the theme and foto!!
ReplyDeleteTiesiog pradejau dievinti tavo skrebukus! Nesakau, kad man jie nepatiko pries tai, priesigai. Labai labai jais grozejaus, taciau dabar jie tiesiog man visa diena praskaidrina. Galbut del tokio ganetinai ilgo laiko tarpo ju nematymo? Sis nuostabus skrebukas! Toks gaivus, vasariskas. Jau pradejau laukt daugiau, kaip narkotikai jie man pasidare :D
ReplyDeleteAciu Ignai! Jei jau taip, tai ilgesnes pertraukas reikes daryti tarp skrebuku ;)
ReplyDeleteNuostabi akimirka! Ir nuostabus skrebukas! :) Toks šviesus ir džiaugsmingas kaip laiminga vaikystė. :)