Friday, June 1, 2012

CSI.Case File No.22

Title: Treasure
Pavadinimas: Brangenybės

Imagine my surprise when Debbi Tehrani of CSI: Color Stories Inspiration asked me to be their guest designer for the month of June. Of course I said 'Yes!,' and got busy creating the assigned case files for the month.

*My 'Special CSI Investigator' interview is featured here.
*To see what other designers have done with this Casea file No.22, please click here.

The page above is an interpretation of Case File No.22. I had to derive my inspiration from the story board and the color palette below...

[Click Case File to enlarge]

My Interpretation of the case file: The 'Scandinavian princess of the sea' photo as I coined it, inspired me to create a water/ocean themed page with photos from our recent vacation to Mexico.

  • Corrugated cardboard (peeking through the ripped top of page), and also the striped corrugated-like pattern of the journaling pages' border.
  • Use a wet medium: I used Glimmer Mist spray paint to create a water background.
  • Yarn or fibers: I used twine.
  • My journaling is a letter to my son - my wishes for him that he never lose a sense of wonder in the bountiful and free gifts of nature. 

Here's a close-up of the embellishment clusters. The resin shell (and starfish overlay) is from K & Company. I've used this shell embellishment assortment for most of my marine themed pages, this shell being the last one in the variety set (got to get some more).  The sand dollar is a real one (from The Shoppe at Somerset).
The pebble background was achieved using The Crafter's workshop stencil-Pebbles (see images below), and Pebbles Inc. Cream Chalk:

I used two colors of the cream chalk ( a lighter brown and a dark brown for shading), to render the rocks with more dimension.

The journaling is difficult to read due to the antique typewriter. It's typed with a Royal Portable typewriter c. 1930s. Some of the letters, especially the lower case 'e', are not a crisp type, but resemble an 'o'. I've learned to bypass this illegibility by using both upper and lower case letters in a single word.

Thanks for visiting me and leaving a comment,
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Supply list:
*Cardstock: Core'dinations (Whitewash).
*Corrugated cardboard: Recycled packaging.
*Journaling notebook page, decorative brad (canvas), and small brads (red): Making Memories.
*Die cut cardstock and acetate details, and resin embellishment: K & Company.
*Sand dollar: US Shell.
*Twine: 'Divine Twine' by Whisker Graphics.
*Alphabet rub-ons: Li'l Davis Designs.
*Stencil: The Crafters Workshop.
*Spray mist: Tattered Angels.
*Cream chalk: Pebbles Inc.
*Staples: Tim Holtz.
*Adhesive (glue pen) and dimensional foam: Kuretake; Scotch ATG 714; Therm-o-web glue dots.
*Fish net: Crafts supply.
*Typewriter: Vintage Royal Portable.

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Esu neapsakomai pamaloninta kad mega populiaraus tarptautinio skrebinimo saito bei forumo savininkė Debbi paprašė manęs būti birželio pakviestine dizainere, ir netgi visam mėnesiui(!)
Man priimant kvietimą, buvau 'apdovanota' namų darbais - užduotimis 5-iem skrebukam.

*CSI saito interviu su manimi čia.
*Pamatyti kaip kitos dizainerės interpretavo šį iššukį spauskite čia.

Rodau pirmą debiutinį skrebuką, ir taip pat kviečių ir savo saito skrebinančius sekėjus sudalyvauti. 

O čia reikalavimai:
*Pirmiausia būtina panaudoti pateikiamas spalvas; Taip pat leidžiama naudoti pagrindines vienspalvio 'cardstock' popieriaus spalvas: baltą, juodą, ir kraft/smėlio rudą.
*Antra: reikia pasirinkti po kelis 'pasiūlymus' pateiktus ant 'įkvėpimui plančetės' abiejuose kategorijuose.

Apie techniką: Akmenų efektas išgautas vartojant 'The Crafter's Workshop'-Pebbles, trafaretą. Taip pat panaudojau 2-jų spalvų kreminius dažus kad suteikti akmenims šešėlius ir tikrovišką 3D efektą (trafareto bei kreminių dažų nuotraukos viršuj).
Purškiami dažai - Glimmer Mist suteikė vandens vaizdą. Žvejų tinklelio likutis nukirptas nuo namų dekoro objekto. Tekstas spausdintas su c1930m. antikvarine spausdinimo mašinėle. Dar  mes bandome susidraugauti kadangi mažoji 'o' ir 'e' atrodo vienodai :)

Dėkoju už dėmesį bei Jūsų komentarus!


  1. labai grazus skrebukas, kol neperskaiciau aprasymo speliojau, kaip ir su kuo tie akmenys "pagaminti"... Labai smagu matyti tave CSI komandoje, tavo darbai tikrai verti to! Geros dieneles ir gero skrebinimo! p.s. pas mus siom dienom labai lietinga ir tik 12C silumos :)

  2. Man tavo juriniai skrebukai nerealus ... akmenukai atrodo labai prginaliai ir man tikra naujove ... Kiekviena detale apgalvota ir labai vietoje. Labai grazu ...

  3. Wow! Love this! Great use of colors for this challenge! Fab!

  4. What a beautiful page! It's really soothing to look at, and those gorgeous photos!

  5. Pasaka kaip viskas grazu!!! uzburia tokia tikrove sis skrebukas!

  6. labai grazu! taip tikra...tikra...akmenukai nerealus!

  7. Thank you all for your comments, they motivate me to keep on scrapping!
    Dekoju uz komplimentus merginos! Tie kreminiai dazai bei siablonu vartojimas rodos kad pastaruoju metu vos ne ant kas antro skrebuko :)

  8. Visu pirma sveikinu su dizaineres pareigomis! Labai smagu isgirsti tokias naujienas :)
    Kaip man patinka tavo jurines temos skrebukai. Labai grazios spalvos, rodos, taip ir jauciasi vandenynas. O aprasymas tai prinime rasteli is butelio, rasto smelyje :DD

  9. Prisidedu prie sveikinimų tapus dizainere CSI, nes juk tai ir smagus išssūkis, ir malonus pripažinimas. :)

    O šis tavo skrebukas man toks tyras ir grynas, net nežinau kaip apibūdinti. Sužavėta. :)

  10. Ačiū Živile ir Neringa ;)
    Ištiesų esu be galo pamaloninta kad mano skrebukai kažkam kitam ant tiek patiko kad pakvietė mane būti dizainere. Aišku, ne dėl to skrebinu - juk pats skrebinimo malonumas tai pats procesas- bet kada kiti įvertina mano pastangas, tai tampa kaip braškytė ant ledų porcijos :):):)
    O kas liečia jūrinius skrebukus tai bus jų dar begalybė ;)

  11. Hi Irma, what a fabulous LO!! I just read your scrapbook photography tutorial and I'm wondering what kind of camera you use or would recommend. I have a canon d60, and want to upgrade. Thanks for your suggestions. You can leave a comment on my blog or email me at garden of grace at juno dot com. I am a new follower. ~ Blessings

  12. Hi Irma, Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my work!! Sorry I had typed that I have the Canon, I have a Nikon D60 (big difference I think). Good to know that what kind of camera you are working with. I think I need to upgrade my lens as well. I did some research on the 50mm f1.4 lens that you mentioned, and it really looks like a nice lens to help accomplish what I'm trying to do with my scrapbooking photography. Thanks again for your informative tutorial!! ~ Blessings


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