Monday, July 12, 2010

Random Inspiration Challenge #7: Non square photos

Layout © Ali Edwards
Ali Edwards, in my opinion (although I know I'm not the only one with this opinion), is the master of using non typical (i.e not rectangular) photo shapes and utilizing the grid design. She was kind enough to share with me the above page, titled "cousins: so much to love," as the inspiration for this challenge.
In addition, my previous layout "A," would also fit the qualifications for this prompt:

***Use non-typical photo shapes...That is, something other than the typical rectangular photo.
Although circular photos are provided as an example, you are not limited to using only circular photos.
Here are some page ideas incorporating creative photo cropping:

  • rain drop photo shape for outdoor rainy day shots or bathing/shower page themes.
  • Circlular photo cropping to simulate: 
  1. bubbles (for photos of kids blowing bubbles or bubble bath themes).
  2. circular photos being big flower centers for summer seasonal pages, gardening, or kids picking flowers.
  3. a game like chess where the circular grid format would be a chess board
  4. a sun for summer and beach ball themes.
  5. Christmas ornaments on the tree.
  • honey comb photo cropping: for bee/summer pages
  • various geometric photo shapes cropped to simulate traffic signs.
  • heart shape: for love or Valentine's Day themes.
***I'm sure there's many  more creative ideas for using non rectangular photos. I can't wait where your creative muse will take you!

Here are the rules of the challenge:

Format: Traditional, digital, hybrid scrapbook pages, cards, altered object, home decor items, etc...just about anything using scrapbooking supplies as long as you follow the set challenge specifications for using non rectangular photos.

Where/how to submit? Please leave a link to where we can see your creation (whether personal blog or online gallery. However, please do not leave links to sites where one has to become a member to view the images).
Due date: July 26 (24:00 EST).

Prize: We R Memory Keepers Designer Gromlets (Baby girl).
I can't wait to see what you come up with!


  1. translation for lithiuanians:
    Nauja tema: Random Inspiration Challenge Nr.7: [B]Panaudoti kitokios formos nuotrauką(as) (t.y bent kokią kitą formatą tiktai NE stačiakampę).[/B]

    Mano idėjos/pasiųlymai:
    * vandens lašų formos nuotraukos pavaizduoti lietutį, pavasarį, vandens žaidimus, maudynes

    *apvalios foto: a) burbulai (vaikai pučia burbulus, muilo burbulai, maudynės); b) didelių gėlių viduriukai; c) Kalėdų eglutės ornamentai d)saulutė e) sachmatų žaidimas (jei naujojant tokio grid formato dizainą su apvaliom foto)

    *geometrinės formos: pavaizduoti įvairius ženklus (ypač tinka berniukų LO su mašinytėm)

    *Medaus korys: bitės/vasara kaime tipo temos LO

    *Širdelės formos foto: meilė :wub: , Valentino d.
    ir dar begalybė kitų pavyz. bet galbūt kai kuriom pravers ir mano pasiųlymai :4u:

    Terminas: liepos 24

  2. what a great challenge!! i loveeeeeeeeeeee circles! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Gorgeous layout. Love the simple design.



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