A little while ago, I introduced my dear blog readers to an amazingly talented scrapper Nadia Cannizzo.
I also asked her to be a guest designer for Random Inspiration Challenges, and she agreed (quite amazing considering her load of scrapping commitments). So Thank You Nadia!
Without further ado, let me share with you our inspiration piece for this challenge:
Random Inspiration Challenge #16 is:
Inspired by fashion
I just about swooned when I saw this skirt in a previous Anthropologie catalogue. Without hesitation (btw, it was my catalogue), I ripped out the pages to inspire my future creative endeavors.
What inspired me originally, was the applique pieced flowers, and the bold use of color. I believe it would easily and wonderfully translate into a unique paper (or fabric) pieced embellishment, perhaps some sewing, or even copying the design in watercolors or paint.
I eagerly awaited to see how Nadia would interpret the assigned inspiration piece, and she did not disappoint me with this stunning, eye-candy layout titled:
'Learning to be a Lady'
In Nadia's words, here is how she interpreted the inspiration piece:
When I first looked at the inspiration photos, my eyes instantly went to the way the lady was standing and at once I knew that I wanted to use this photo of my daughter. This made things very simple because the vibe I got from the inspiration photo was that this woman was a 'lady' . The way she was standing, the clothes she was wearing...they all screamed 'elegance'. My daughter is quite a little lady. She has ladylike, feminine movements and its something that is innate. Its something she was born with. At the same time both my kids have the great misfortune (well ..they will think so anyway!) of having a mum that is very strict on manners, on the way girls should act and behave etc. even though I was a total tomboy when I grew up. But anyway, I am constantly reminding my daughter how she is a girl and how girls need to behave. So then...this layout came together easily in that aspect. I also tried to make this layout elegant and classy. Just what I want my daughter to be. Then..I was also inspired by the colours and the floral patterns. I really liked the black and white with the green going through it so I searched for a long time through my stash and at last I came upon Websters Pages Life's Potrait line and that was it. It was a match made in heaven. Lastly, my eyes were also drawn to the black and white background of the first photo and I have tried to translate that in my layout by using not only a black and white photo but also the same background pattern behind my daughter. I have enjoyed this challenge very much Irma and I look forward to doing this again very soon. Thanks!"
*** **** ***
How to play in this challenge (aka 'The Rules'):
- Who? International entries are welcome; Anyone can participate.
- Format: Create a layout (any size) using the above fashion photos as your guiding inspiration.
- Where/how to submit? Please leave one link in the comments section of this post, to where we can see your creation (whether personal blog or online gallery. However, please do not leave links to sites where one has to become a member to view the images). If you have difficulty signing in to leave a comment, please use the 'anonymous' posting selection and sign your name in the post so that I would be able to identify the author of the layout.
- Due date: February 1 (time: 24:00 EST).
- Prize: (see photo above)
- Prima 48 sheet patterned paper pad (5"x7"or 12.7cm x 17.78cm), 'The Breathe Paper Collection' by Corina Nielsen.
- Acrylic stamp collection (set of 8) by Scrappy Cat, 'Fancy Flourishes'.
- Fabric brads (set of 8) by Creative Imaginations, 'Amore Button Brads'.
I can't wait to see what you create!
*** *** *** ***Lithuanian translation:
Pristatau šio tinklalapio Nr. 16 'Random Inspiration Challenge' konkurso temą:
Skrebukas pagal rūbų madą 'Anthropologie fashion'.
Kviečiu Jus interpretuoti pasiūlytas madų žurnalo nuotraukas (pavaizduotas viršuj), taip kaip Jūsų mūza Jum diktuoja.
Asmeniškai, man kabliukas šiose nuotraukose yra sijono raštas. Išsiplėšiau puslapius ir pagalvojau kad tokias gėles labai puikiai išeitų atkartoti aplikacijom: Ar tai audinio ar popieriaus; ar netgi išsiuvinėtas; Taip pat puikiai butų dera nupiešti ar nudažyti panašias gėles.
Toliau, manau kad juodai/balti tapetai suteikė puikų kontrastą sijono raštui.
Tai neeilinis konkursas, kadangi tai pirmas konkursas kuriame sudalyvavo pakviestinė dizainėrė Nadia (jos interviu įrašas čia).
Neperseniausiai Nadijai pateikiau tas pačias nuotraukas ir paprašiau kad ji paskrebintų pagal jas. Ji manęs nenuvylė ir pagamino šį prabangų skrebuką: Mokantis tapti 'Lady' (pavaizduotas viršuj). Nadia taip pat aprašė šio skrebuko skrebinimo eigą, bet, nebent jei atsiras savanorių išversti, paliksiu Jum patiem paskaityti.
- Tema: Skrebukas pagal rūbų madą (Anthropologie žurnalo puslapiai)
- Formatas: Tradicinis skrebukas.
- Kur priduoti darbelį? Šioj konkurso temoj, palikite komentarą su nuoroda kur galėtumėte pamatyti Jūsų darbelį. Jei Jum užstringa komentavimas, bandykite komentuoti anonimu, ir tada pasirašykite kad žinotume kieno darbelis. Komentarai moderuojami, tad jeigu iškart nepamatysite savo komentaro, žinokite kad jis atsiras neužilgo.
- Terminas: Vasario 2 (7 val. ryto LT laiku)
- Prizas: (pavaizduota viršuj):
- Prima firmos - 'The Breathe Paper Collection' by Corina Nielsen 48 raštuotų popierių rinkinys (12.7cm x 17.78cm)
- Scrappy Cat firmos akrilinių štampukų rinkinys (8vt.) 'Fancy Flourishes'.
- Brads/ Dekoratyviniai vinukai (8vt) Creative Imaginations firmos, 'Amore Button Brads'.
oho kaip įdomu!
ReplyDeleteir darbelis nuostabus... jau nekalbu apie priza... :D
labai grazus Nadios darbelis, man patinka tokie geleti, romantiski ;)
ReplyDeleteteks pasukt galva kaip cia igyvendint spalvas ar rastus jei tik pavyks rasti laiko! ;)
Jėga, naujas konkursas :)
ReplyDeleteLabai įdomu, norėčiau sudalyvauti jei tik spėsiu
oj kaip noreciau suspeti, labai jau ikvepiantis sijonas ;)
ReplyDeleteHi, Saw this lo on 2peas, and had no idea it was for your challenge. Beautiful lo as I said before. So cool to see how differently the two of you draw inspiration from the pic.You are both such fabulous scrappers!
ReplyDeletena kągi, esu pirmoji (neskaitant Irmos) :) štai mano darbelis:
Dalyvauju ir as http://dalijablog-paperlove.blogspot.com/2011/01/inspired-by-fashion.html
Būsiu trečia ;) http://neandertaliete.blogspot.com/2011/01/graziausia-gelele.html
ReplyDeleteKetvirta :)
Jungiuosi prie konkurso su savo darbeliu :)
jungiuos ir as, pagaliau baigiau siuvinet ;))
Dalyvauju ir as:
Na ir darbų įvairumas ir gražumas! Merginos visos šaunuolės, kad tokius grožius sukūrėt! Labai pradžiuginot mano akį :)
ReplyDeleteYes ... spėjau: