Thursday, June 30, 2011

Once Upon a Sketch July 1st: 'Old Friend'

[This is a scheduled post]
Title: It takes a long time to grow an OLD FRIEND
Pavadinimas: Užtrunka ilgai išauginti ilgalaikę draugę

[Note: the sketch below is rotated to show my interpretation of it]
[Pastaba: Eskizas apverstas taip kad parodytų mano interpretaciją]

Please visit Once Upon a Sketch blog here for more information on how to take part in this fun challenge and win some great prizes!
Kviečiu apsilankyti 'Once Upon a Sketch' saite kur rasite naudingą informaciją kaip sudalyvauti šiame konkurse.

I deviated a bit from the sketch. For example, the circular background in the sketch translated as a round, smaller doily on my layout. The concept of this page started with the Jenni Bowlin vintage 'seeds and grain' logo ledger. I felt it is the perfect complement to the theme of "growing a long lasting friendship." My friend Marina and I met upon immigrating to USA from our respective countries, and we are still very close because we have such long common history together.
The photo of us is taken at a cabin we rented with our families over at Hocking Hills, Ohio. 

I added the woodgrain patterned paper to blend with the wood exterior of the cabin. 
Would you believe if I told you that I stockpile wood grain patterned paper as if it will be discontinued from print. Yep! I have a separate 12x12" paper organizer labeled "wood-grain"....Just can't get enough of it.

Useful tip: So this is the 4th LO using this Tidbitz May kit, and by now I've run out of some of the chipboard alphabets. I used up all the 'e' letters, so my solution was to pick a similar font/size die and cut it from chipboard. I used Quickutz Zoe unicase font (2x2"die), and thin chipboard. It did not completely cut through the chipboard (because it is not a steel-rule die), but a couple of passes through the die cutting machine, indented the chipboard sufficiently for me to lightly pass the X-acto blade around it and cut it out. I painted all the letters red, and now it looks like the letter 'e' was part of the set.
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Skrebuko koncepsija: Pradėjau nuo to vintažinio logotipo pažymėto: "Sėklos ir kruopos". Prisiminiau kad turiu anų metų nuotrauką kurioje mes su drauge is šeimom atostogaujam provincijoj. Toliau, prisiminiau mūsų ilgalaikę draugystę ir pasvarsčiau kaip sužaisti su pavadinimu kad žodis :"sėklos, auginti, sėti, ar pan" būtų pavadinimo dalis. Anglų kalba yra toks pasakimas [pardon už prastą vertimą]: Užtrunka ilgai išauginti ilgalaikę draugę.
Tai jau net ketvirtas skrebukas pagamintas vartojant man dovanotą Tidbitz in Time gegužės mėnesio kit'ą. Pasisekė man kadangi šis kit'as toks kaimiškas, o šios tematikos nuotraukų turiu nemažai.
Kadangi jau net 4-tas skrebukas man pritrūko kartoninio raidyno. Sprendimas = iškirsti panašaus raidyno 'e' raidę ir vientisumo labui, visas nudažyti raudonai.

The window frame was painted with the Ranger Industries paint dabber in 'willow' color. Behind the window bars, I placed a curtain--a piece of lace that came in the kit.The valance chipboard shape was dressed in patterned paper and glued on foam dots. 

Can you believe this is the fourth layout done with this kit?! Here's the rest of the layouts I've done using the May kit:
  1. It's a boy!
  2. Sweetness
  3. They pay me with flowers
Thank you all for your comments!
Ačiū kad apsilankėte!

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Supply list:
(This page is made using the May kit from Tidbitz in Time)
*Patterned paper: Adornit (woodgrain), Jenni Bowlin (logo ledger, yellow lattice, and green vine).
*Journaling spot: K & Company.
*Pen: Kuretake ZIG Millennium.
*Border stickers: Webster's Pages.
*Chipboard shapes and alphabet, stick pin, canvas flower, and wood buttons: Maya Road.
*Border punch: Fiskars
*Fabric alphabet and tiny alphabet stickers: Making Memories.
*Doily: Darice
*Decorative buttons (sunflowers): Favorite Findings (small), Dritz (large) from JoAnn's stores.
*Paint: Ranger Industries paint dabber (willow green), Liquitex (red).
*Die cutting system and alphabet die: Quickutz ('e' Zoe unicase die).
*Trim: Offray (red & white gingham), JoAnn stores (suede fringe), kit (yellow satin and ivory lace).
*Thread: Coats & Clark.
*Floss: DMC.
*Other: Jeans fabric remnant.
*Adhesive: Scotch ATG 714, Aleen's Tacky Glue, EK Success 3D-Dots.
*Green flowers, rose leaves, and feather: Kit contents (brand unknown).


  1. Pagaliau sulaukiau :) Vis užsukdavau pažiūrėti, gal ką naujo parodysi. Pradingusi buvai. Labai gražus skrebukas. L.l.patiko kaip įpynei pavadinimą. Ir langelis, ir kt. detalės. Nuostabu.


  2. O tu pasirodo ir geletus LO moki daryti 8)) Labai patiko "virsutine" dalis ...

  3. Valio, pagaliau galejau atidaryti pati posta ir paskaityt. Man labai patiko, ir tikrai labai tinka prie kaimiskos sodybos temos :)
    Dar naujiena - blogo naujas drabuzelis! Puikiai atrodo tas lininis pagrindas :)

  4. Ačiū už komplimentus....
    Smagu kad ir nauji blogo rūbai patiko. Vakar bandžiau pereiti į typepad blogą, bet ten viską iš naujo turėčiau išmokti, nu bent neturėčiau jokių problemų kuriomis blogger'is pasižymi. Va pavyz. kasdien kartais rodo blogo gerbėjus o kartais ne (nesvarbu kurią naršyklę vartoju); dar aišku tas neperseniausiais įrašų dingimas po kurio blogger'is sugrąžino įrašus tik kai kuriem. Blogger's nemažai (-) turi, nu bet pripratau prie jo, nu ir dar nemokama :)

  5. MB mane irgi kalbina pereiti prie kitu blogu kurimo irankiu, nes tas blogger tai kazkaip... bet as irgi vis nesiryztu mokytis is naujo :) O dar mano blogo aktyvumas toks ribotas, tai gal neverta :)

  6. Tikrai labai gerai perteikei nuotaika, toks tikras kaimiskas nostalgiskas skrebukas, mielybe ;) o blogo naujas įvaizdis irgi labai lietuviškas, jūra, vasara alsuoja! Malonu ;)

  7. Hi Irma!
    Lovely interpretation of the sketch. I like very much the way you integrated the photo, the photo in itself and all the details. Really gorgeous!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)!

  8. Fabulous take on the sketch Irma. Love the look of the rotation.
    I'm enjoying catching up on your gorgeous creations.


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