Monday, October 31, 2011

Once Upon a Sketch Nov 1st sketch has gone LIVE!

Title: The Genesis of Love and Scrap

*For complete and detailed information on how to participate in this challenge, please visit the OUAS blog here.
*Šio konkurso reikalavimai išsamiau aprašyti čia.

*Journaling Criteria: This time you need to journal at least 2 SENTENCES on WHEN you started scrapping and WHY? You MUST combine our journaling criteria with this sketch.

*Aprašymo kriterijus: Yra būtina parašyti bent du sakinius tema: KADA pradėjote skrebinti ir KODĖL? Taip pat būtina panaudoti šį eskizą, bet interpretacijai vietos daug ;)

*The deadline for this challenge is midnight November 14th, Australian Eastern Standard Time . The Design Team will vote and the winners and the Top 5 project will be announced soon after the challenge has finished.

*Terminas: Lapkričio 14 (Australijos EST laiku).

Gold alphabets and a gold tone background did not show very well, so my solution was to create a shadow utilizing a hatching technique with my Kuretake ZIG Millennium pen (0.1 mm tip).

Aukso atspalvio raidės nelabai išsiskyrė nuo geltono pagrindo. Mano sprendimas buvo apvedžioti raides su plonu rašikliu kad suteikti lyg šešėlio vaizdą.

The above photo is a closer view of the one I scrapped on this layout. This plain album cover (album by KOLO), and my attempt to decorate it, was my first experience with scrapbooking. At the time I did not even know what scrapbooking is. I wanted to make two albums to show off at our wedding reception upon returning from our Hawaiian wedding: one album of the wedding, and the other of the honeymoon trip. The vines on this cover were painstalkingly assembled by twisting masking tape onto wire, and then painting all of it (along with lace leaves) with gold acrylic paint). I also made twisted wire branches with pearl seed beads. Everything was glued down with a hot glue gun.
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Viršuj pavaizduotas viršelis tai mano pirmas 'skrebiškas' bandymas tada kada dar net nežinojau kas tas 'scrapbooking'. Tiesiog sau uždaviau misiją sulipdyti du albumus kuriuos parodysime svečiams dalyvaujantiems mūsų povestuviniam baliuj sugrįžtant namo po vestuvių Havajuose.

Pirmas albumas (kurio viršelis viršuj pavaizduotas) Tai pačios vestuvių dienos akimirkų albumas; Antras albumas (raudonu viršeliu), tai kelionės įspūdžiai naršant dvi Havajų salas: Kauai ir Maui.

Pradėjau skrebinti tiesiog ekspromptu. Užduotis - abu albumus paruošti per vieną savaitgalį. Tad šiame procese nebuvo jokio meno, tiesiog iš eilės ėmiau nuotraukas, klijavau, aplink kai kurias nuotraukas papiešiau auksiniu rašalu/rašikliu, priklijavau lipdukų gėlių motyvais, aprašiau įspūdžius, išplėšiau ir priklijavau žemėlapių kur keliavome ir pan. 

Jei ką domina pati technika kaip pagaminau albumo viršelio vijoklių gėles, tai pasidalinsiu. Paprastą vielą apsukau su 'masking tape'- popieriniu pleistru. Tokiu būdu paruoštas šakas bei tulio lapus nudažiau aukso atspalvio akriliniais dažais. Viską priklijavau su karštu klijų šautuvu.

This was my first attempt at scrapbooking when I didn't even know that it is a hobby.

Taigi, čia mano pats pirmas skrebinimo bandymas pasižymintis super minimalizmu, tada kada dar net nežinojau kad skrebinimas esa hobis. Palyginus su mano skrebinimo procesu dabar, žinau kad pats kūrybinis procesas džiugina mano širdį.
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Supply list:
*Patterned paper: Basic Grey (yellow); Me & My BIG Ideas (blue and red).
*Journaling card: Crafty Secrets (Heartwarming Vintage Collection).
*Transparency overlay: Basic Grey.
*Sticker: Heidi Swapp for Advantus (damask).
*Alphabet chipboard: American Crafts.
*Rub-ons: Imagination Project (alphabet), Jenni Bowlin Studio (gold border).
*Trim: The Shoppe at Somerset.
*Flowers: Bazzill Basics Paper( red); Pebbles (white metal).
*Rhinestones and heart brad: Creative Imaginations.
*Border punches: Martha Stewart Crafts.
*Pen: Kuretake ZIG Millennium (.01).
*Ink: Colorbox Clearsnap.
*Button (cameo): Favorite Findings at JoAnn's stores.
*Adhesive: Scotch ATG 714, and Therm-O-Web Zots.
*Other: Music note paper (recycled).

Now let's get to the good part:

How would YOU like to be our Guest Designer for December? This is the challenge where you have the chance to win a spot on our design team for the whole upcoming month simply by winning this challenge. As well as being our Guest Designer, the first placed winner as chosen by the Design Team will win this prize..
The complete October kit from Swirlydoos kit club (featured above).
This kit is simply stunning. It includes the captivating Vintage Blue line from Glitz Designs, papers, flowers, wood flourishes and rub ons from Kaisercraft, Prima Resin Old Window, Maya Road wooden spools and pearl pins and much much more.

This time we also have 2 prizes to give away to RANDOMLY chosen people!

1). The first prize for one randomly chosen winner will receive a mixture of products from "the chip chop shop" to the value of $25.00 plus postage.

2). Our other randomly drawn winner will receive the gorgeous Webster's Pages paper collection Ladies and Gents which includes 1 sheet of alphas, 1 die cut paper, 1 vellum paper, and 6 sheets of patterned paper.
*Don't forget that 5 projects will be voted on by the Design Team to be our Top 5 featured projects. So that could be your name and your project on our winners banner at the top of this blog for a whole 2 weeks!

Hope you can play along with us over at Once Upon a Sketch!!!


Nadia Cannizzo said...

I LOVE this one. Irma I love how you showed us the is still cute but wow much have you evolved huh? LOL! If you see my first layout you will think a 3 year old did it!!

Love the story and LOVE the journalling..just awesome colours and the pic is just fantastic. Thank you also for a PERFECT post!

Hoping you are well always! Love, Nadia.

...VitDeko... said...

grazus skrebukas! o jau puokste is orchideju tai man nuostabi! dievinu orchidejas :) labai smagu suzinoti nuo ko prasidejo tavo skrebinimo istorija :) manau tikrai su malonumi paimi tuos vestuviu albumus ir megaujiesi, nes jie daryti pacios :) ir nesvarbu, kad netobulai kaip dabar padarytum itariu visai kitaip :)

Cindy Gay said...

Beautiful layout and elements. Nice job with the title alphas!

Jeni O'Connor said...

I love this one too Irma. Gorgeous pic, the colours are fabulous with it. And wonderful journalling as always.

Aiva said...

Akivaizdu, kaip toli tu pažengei skrebinimo sferoje :))) Kokie kuklūs buvo tavo pirmieji žingsniai ir kaip profesionaliai tu skrebini dabar. Vestuvinį albumą pavadinčiau aklu skrebinimu, kadangi tu tada pati net nežinojai, kad skrebini. Bet ir tas tavo aklas skrebinimas pasirodė esąs skoningas. Skrebinimas yra tavo kraujyje. :)))
Džiaugiuosi, kad daugiau skrebini savo vestuvines nuotraukas, jos tokios pasakiškos... Labai gražus skrebukas, įdomi interpretacija, meniškai susiejai vestuvių akimirkas su hobiu. :)

Jurgita said...

Kokie jus buvote gražūs per vestuves ... ir vieta vestuvių ypatinga ...
Beja, visai nepasikeitei ... Na o dabar apie skrebuką - vestuvinės nuotraukos įrėminimas nerealus sprendimas. Tarsi lengvai pakylėti vir žemės ... tarp gėlių. Didinga ...

Unknown said...

Your pages are simply stunning! Love the color combination on the page. What a great idea to incorporate the cover of your first album on your latest page. You got me pondering that idea with my art journal. I also love that hatching effect that you did with your pen. I have never heard of that before. How did you do that? Maybe you could create a video explaining it! Thanks for your continued visits to my blog, so thankful for you and your comments.

Irma said...

Thank you all!
Amber Hatching or cross-hatching is just outlining, and/or making small, feathered lines with a small tip pen. There's no science in that ;)
As for a video, YES! I've been tossing that idea in my head, but I have to learn the program for iMovie and to not cringe when I hear my own voice on audio ;)
Aciu visom skrebukem uz grazius zodzius!

Lisa Barrie said...

Such a beautiful photo and the frame you made for it is just stunning!

sandi said...

Irma this is just beautiful! You look so gorgeous! Love this!